

Golden Girl, the story written by Gillian Chan has been very interesting to read. The story is about two "best friends" who aren't really what they call themselves. Anna and Donna, these are the two friends, Anna is the classic popular, pretty and spoiled girl who catches everyones attention, while Donna is known mostly just for being Anna's friend (and she isn't very happy about it). Both of them clearly have different points of view, Donna thinks that the attention Anna gets over her, is just unfair, but Anna doesn't even seem to notice as she's kind of selfish. So clearly, they're not meant for each other, but still need things between them, so the story of this fake friendship goes on. 

Out of nowhere, a new student-teacher is introduced. This is Mr.McCallum, the teacher who caught Anna's attention. Things took a big turn, Anna had a boyfriend but still seemed very interested in this new teacher, so she took her chances and made it very clear. Michael (Anna's boyfriend), was very upset and jealous about what was going on, Donna noticed and also took her shot, as she was also interested not in the teacher, but in Anna's boyfriend. Anna had a weird kind of "obsession" with this new teacher, she forced him to dance with her, to talk to her and made their student-teacher relationship really awkward. He was really important to Anna, even if she was just making things up, so she decided to write a note for him. The note was about meeting up, the teacher felt weird after the dance and after everything that happened, so Anna wanted to figure things out. The note was delivered to his desk, but he still threw it away and Donna noticed, however, Donna still tried to use the note as an excuse and proof the break whatever thing that Anna and Michael had still going on. 

Michael really liked Anna, that's why he denied the idea of breaking up with Anna just as he denied setting her up in the coffee shop where she was supposed to meet with Mr.McCallum. As expected, Anna was mad, disappointed, mad and upset about what Michael said. She realized that people still expect things from Anna even when she proves them wrong. The story just ends with Donna realizing that she doesn't need and won't look for any more attention from others, she keeps some distance from Anna and makes herself look really bad after what she wanted to do to her "best friend". 

Golden Girl and Other Stories: Chan, Gillian: 9781550742190: Books
