
Mostrando las entradas de junio, 2022

What is Bullying and what are its different types?

  What is Bullying and what are its different types? Bullying is known to be an unwanted negative behavior that people have towards others. The most common age where bullying develops is in school aged children. According to stopbullying.gov both sides of the kids may have past and serious problems. There are about 4  common types of bullying around, these are Verbal bullying, Cyberbullying, Social bullying and Physical bullying. Bullying mostly occur while school hours or after, inside the school building and ever through social media. Some of the effects after bullying or being bullied can be facing depression, anxiety and/or loneliness feeling. Well, bullying affects its most with physical, emotional and academic problems in a person. While the ones who bully others are most likely to abuse drugs, abuse alcohol, having criminal convictions, being abusive towards any other person, etc. 


Reference/Summary Golden Girl, the story written by Gillian Chan has been very interesting to read. The story is about two "best friends" who aren't really what they call themselves. Anna and Donna, these are the two friends, Anna is the classic popular, pretty and spoiled girl who catches everyones attention, while Donna is known mostly just for being Anna's friend (and she isn't very happy about it). Both of them clearly have different points of view, Donna thinks that the attention Anna gets over her, is just unfair, but Anna doesn't even seem to notice as she's kind of selfish. So clearly, they're not meant for each other, but still need things between them, so the story of this fake friendship goes on.  Out of nowhere, a new student-teacher is introduced. This is Mr.McCallum, the teacher who caught Anna's attention. Things took a big turn, Anna had a boyfriend but still seemed very interested in this new teacher, so she took her chances and ma...

What is Physical bullying?

What is Physical bullying?  Physical bullying is the use of physical actions to threat and/or gain control over someone the bully targets. Again, this behavior mostly happens during school time, and the effects of this type of bullying are damage to someones body or possessions. Back in 2016-17, the National Center for Education Statistics found that about a 6.7% of students were physically bullied. Some actions considered as physical bullying might be kicking, hitting, pushing, pinching, tripping and damaging other's property. According to positiveaction.net, being targeted by bullies and suffering physical bullying might decrease your academic performance, deal with emotional distress, obviously have physical injuries and could develop a self-destructive cycle. While the bully might just have behavioral problems. 

What is Social bullying?

What is Social bullying? This one is really basic, probably one of the most common too. Social bullying is when not one, but many people gather together to target someone with the purpose of damaging the persons social reputation or relationships with other people around. This one happens in many forms, however, this causes people to feel insecure, powerless, having a need to have control over someone and also a need for recognition. This type of bullying can happen in person or as cyberbullying, physically bullying to embarrass, verbally dbusinf others, passive physical behaviors or passive verbal behaviors, so it's pretty much just all types of bullyings mixed together. According to positiveaction.net, this type of bullying is most common in kids who are around 9 and 12 years old. Lastly, some negative effects that damage both sides can be loneliness, anxiety disorders, social avoidance, depression, physical distresses and behavioral problems. 

What is Verbal bullying?

What is Verbal bullying?   I'd say verbal bullying is one of the most common, this is when someone uses verbal language to insult, tease and/or offend others. Verbal bullying can have more physiological effects on the victim. Words to have power and a meaning to many people, self image and self-esteem are the most damaged feelings in a person if they're bullied this way. To deal with verbal bullying, you must be aware of what's going with the person you're trying to help, some of the things someone might experience while being bullied is stop in grades, not wanting to go to school, stomach aches, sleeping problems, etc. This can also help you realize what they're going through. Basic but helpful solutions are: Informing school administrators or a person in charge who can deal with it, simply ignoring the bully without hiding, and participating in social activities where the environment is open and supportive. 

What is Cyberbullying?

What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is electronic communication where people bully others across any media or chat. Normally, this people threat, insult, laugh and embarrass others through whatever internet page, with the goal of making mean content about someone else. Common feelings that people have while being bullied or cyberbully are depression, isolation, anger, illness and humiliation.According to endcyberbullying.net , people who cyberbully do it because they find more appealing the fact that this can be done anonymously. However, main reasons are anonymity, ignorance and social pressure. As a fact, cyberbullying.org found out las year that cyberbullying peaks around teens who are around 14 and 15 years old and other organization (aacap.org) discovered that at least 75% of all teenagers have an active social media.